R2RB Podcast - Indie Artists and Women Entrepreneurs Chronicles

The Inspirational Gospel Hour with Cintale Gospel Music

Deb LaMotta

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Join us as we talk about Desi Steele, a resilient pop artist who, with the support of Irina Turner from Angelova Arts, rediscovers her love for painting while recovering from significant injuries. We also discuss the upcoming Art Loop event in Middletown on November 2nd, a community-centric celebration that promises to foster creativity and connection, and share our excitement for Sintel’s Inspirational Gospel Hour, a segment set to uplift your spirit with heartfelt messages and soulful tunes.

Ever wonder how music and personal stories can intertwine to create powerful narratives? In this episode, we reflect on stirring lyrics from Couch Boys and Cicada Stone, and anticipate the vibrant open house at Second Chance Ranch on October 19th, featuring performances by local favorites like Taylor Wallace and Regan Kent. We share how you can support these community events, either as vendors or sponsors, and express our heartfelt gratitude for the incredible support from our donors. These gatherings remind us of the power of coming together to celebrate local talent and foster communal bonds.

Have you felt the liberating power of forgiveness or the peace of a heartfelt prayer? We delve into themes of spiritual growth, exploring how respecting differing tastes in music can lead to deeper kindness and understanding. Through personal anecdotes and biblical teachings, we highlight the emotional burdens grudges can bring and the freedom that comes with forgiveness. Ending on a high note, we share teasers for upcoming album releases and encourage you to support Irina Turner’s gallery, emphasizing that faith, community, and creativity are powerful tools to navigate life’s challenges.

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Speaker 1:

Thank you, don't go anywhere, I'll be right back after the music.

Speaker 4:

Hey C Stevens here from Asphalt Jungle.

Speaker 3:

And you're listening to Real, to Real, broadcasting guitar solo. All alone, I sit as I wait here by your bed Like a moon. I'll disappear with the sun.

Speaker 4:

And I'm wondering if my memories are your mind Like a moon that disappeared With the sun.

Speaker 5:

Now it's black and it's white, and it's day and it's night. I wonder if an ending is in sight. And it's dark and it's light, and it's wrong and it's right. What's the sense?

Speaker 4:

still, I'm running when I'm not drinking wine All alone. I sit as I wait outside the door Like a child. I waited, I trusted in you and I'm wondering If you're ever gonna pass me by Like a child.

Speaker 5:

I waited, I trusted in you, and it's black and it's white, and it's day and it's night. I wonder if anything is inside. And it's dark and it's light, and it's wrong and it's right. What's the sense in all my running when I'm all running With no sacrifice? Yeah, now it's black and it's white, and it's day and it's night. I wanna make it empty. It is inside and it's dark and it's night, and it's warm and it's white. What's the sense in all my running? Now it's black and it's white, and it's day and it's night.

Speaker 1:

We'll see you next time, and this is Out of the Attic. Live from Delaware. I'm Deb LaMotta and I hope you all have been having a great weekend. It is September something. What is it tonight? It is September 15th, it is 7.04. What is it tonight? It is September 15th, it is 7.04. And it's a beautiful evening. Here in Delaware it is 71 degrees, love this time of year, with the warmer afternoons and the cooler evenings, not looking forward to winter, but I guess it's coming, and I'm not quite south enough to not have a winter, but it still isn't that bad here. Anyway, what's going on? Well, tonight it's coming up at 7.30.

Speaker 1:

I have Sintel, it is the Inspirational Gospel Hour and, once again, I'm always looking forward to this conversation, always uplifting, always inspirational, just that time that we need more of it. So I have two subjects tonight that are near and dear to my heart, one I think I'm going to say for After Sintel's show, which is which kind of will lead into it. There's been so many things happening on the. There's been so many things happening on the well, facebook in general, and you know, just, with a lot of hateful posts and emails, and you know, anyway, I'll get on that soapbox after our Inspirational Gospel Hour. So, as you all know or may not know, if this is your first time listening in, welcome.

Speaker 1:

I am a big supporter of indie artists and I'm also a big supporter of the arts as well, in general. In particular, I met a woman I guess it's a year now Irina Turner of Angelova Arts in Middletown. Well, let me back it up a day. So yesterday I met up with another very talented artist, miss Desi Steele. She's an incredible pop artist and if you have a chance during the show, you can find Desi on Facebook at Desmerize Art and see all her beautiful pieces of art and new ones that she's working on. Desi is also the owner of Desmerized Detailing right here in Dover. Desi is recovering from some physical injuries and she's just finally getting back to detailing on a part-time basis, but her first love is art and she's been creating new paintings during her rehab and they are beautiful. So if you have a chance, please go over to Desmerized Art and check Desi out.

Speaker 1:

So when I first met Desi, we were talking about her detailing business and found out that she was an artist, and I asked if she would share her art with me, which she did, and I fell out of my chair because I wasn't expecting what I saw. It was like are you? If you see her artwork, it is so detailed and, um, uh, you know it's almost like a computer created it, but she does it all, all it's all her it's. It is beautiful. So she hadn't touched her art for 10 years and I was like you know, desi, if this is your love, I would love to you know, help you, maybe find a mentor on and see how we can. You know you can get that passion back to doing the art. So she agreed and I I introduced her to Irina and the rest is history. She has been painting from the beginning, or early this year she had her artwork with Irina's first art loop, and Irina's gallery is located at 24 West Main Street, inspiration Alley in Middletown. Irina has a second art loop coming up on November 2nd. You can find the details at Angelova Art on Facebook.

Speaker 1:

She's just a beautiful person inside and out. Her own passion for her art is just what's the word I'm looking for. Never can find the right word sometimes, but if you go look at her artwork, it's inspirational, let's the right word. Sometimes, um, but if you go go look at her artwork. It's, it's inspirational, let's let's use that word tonight Um, it's just so beautiful and um, different. So, if you have, you know again, you have to go look at the art to to appreciate what I'm saying tonight. Uh, unfortunately. Well, what is the art loop? Let me tell you about that.

Speaker 1:

It was Irina's dream to bring the community together for a night of art. Irina, along with the community retailers on West Main Street, opened up their shops for an evening of art and community togetherness on a Friday evening. It was so it was. It was something different that I hadn't gone to before. Um, you got to meet the artist. You got to meet, got to meet, you got to see all the different artwork by these, these wonderful artists, um, you know, from, from oil painting to sketches, to jewelry, to whatever you know their material was for their artwork. Some of the artists took their art, from canvas to clothing, just beautiful. And so Irina has given, you know, other artists in the community a place to you know, come together.

Speaker 1:

I know everybody's struggling this time, this year. It's been a rough year, it's been a rough couple of years, but this was Irina's dream and I remember the day that she got the keys to her gallery. She was ecstatic and unfortunately she made a public announcement yesterday that the gallery will be closing. She's going to try to keep it going until the art loop, which is november 2nd, um, and I'm just hoping that, uh, you know those that listen to me, those who are indie artists and know the struggles it is a struggle for, for whatever your you know, your, your passion is in the indie world music or the arts excuse, it is tough. I've talked about that before as well. You can find Arts by Angelova on Facebook.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to help Irina maybe come up with a plan to keep the you know the gallery open. You know something, maybe you know that would just be in line with her gallery, but to bring in the revenue that she needs to pay her rent each month. That's the thing. It's that rent and it's retail. Real estate is not. You know it's high, and being on a main street in a busy area, you know it's high. And being on a main street in a busy area, you know, I know that where Irina is, you know that nobody's gouging her, but everybody's.

Speaker 1:

You know we're all in that same boat of. You know we aren't doing what we used to be. You know we used to once do go out for dinner and go out for a movie, and now you have to take a small loan out just to go to the movies. And, yes, people still go to the movies. I want my popcorn from the movies with the popcorn butter. Uh, or the butter on that popcorn, oh my, of course, you know I haven't done in a long time. It is expensive, but there's beauty in on all this art, be it the music, be it the arts, be it the dance on canvas, on photography. But it's not easy, and so that's my first soapbox of the night.

Speaker 1:

If you possibly have an idea for Irina, you can reach again. You can reach out to her at artsbyangelova at gmail. You can find her Facebook page, artsbyangelova at gmail. You can find her facebook page, arts by angelova. Um, you know, again, it's just a different type of indie artist, but still it's an indie artist. So, as I always say, the community for the indie artists are always so supportive and I know when I post something that may not be music related, those who follow follow me. You know, you all share and I appreciate that.

Speaker 1:

So, and if you're in the Middletown area, go, go see and meet Irina. Her personality, her smile is so infectious. She's like I said, she's beautiful on the inside and out. And to see her dream maybe not be there, oh, here I go again. I'm glad you all know who I am. I like my coffee and I like not that I like to cry, but it's near and dear to my heart. So, excuse me, any angel donators out there, you can contact me at info at r2rbcom. You can contact me tonight. You can text me at 302-272-5389.

Speaker 1:

Again, if anybody has suggestions, you know of how perhaps she could bring in different, something different to the gallery, that would help her. It's a small gallery. It is so cute, it's charming, it is an alley, it's right on Main Street. It may not have a storefront facing Main Street, but Irina has done such a great job of making the beginning of the alleyway inviting with bright colors and her infamous painting style. And, of course, there's the placard, the sandwich sign there. So if you have a chance and please mark your calendars for November 2nd and if this is the first time that you've heard about this, I hopefully that you know, you go, you like it and you can have an idea for her.

Speaker 1:

This is a rough one. I hate to see anybody that has worked so hard for their dream to see it, you know, come being closed off. So I don't I was going to say crumbling down, but it's not crumbling. And and Irina's you know her when she was speaking to making her announcement yesterday. You know, you know God does close one door, but he always opens another, or one path leads to another, or one journey brings you to the next step, and, yes, I believe that as well. But I'm just hoping that we can keep this one door open for Irina. Irina, I love you. I only wish the best for you.

Speaker 1:

And again, that's Arts by Angelova on Facebook, instagram and Arts by Angelova at Gmail. Of course, me info at r2rb and if you want to text me tonight, 302-272-538. By all means, do so. And with that, how? About another song? And I am so excited once again to be able to have Sintel, the Inspirational Gospel Hour, here tonight, and we will be on for the show at 7.30. In the meantime, let's listen to some music. Did I tell you what that first one was, which I liked? Mad Junkie, black and white, not mad mud. I'm mad, I'm just a crazy woman. I'll be back.

Speaker 6:

As I caissed, I remember everything that went before, the sound of laughter and of tears. Sometimes I thought the tears would never end, but often, at that very moment, the good times would come around again. Thank you, there will be no more good times. There will be no more you or me, no more of anything, and the only thing that makes it bearable is that I spend these last moments here with you. One final smile, one final kiss. Farewell, my love, my life, thank you. Thank you, farewell, my love, my life.

Speaker 7:

I've been to Cancer Island. I've been afraid. Can't tell you what I found there. I've got it made. I've got it made. I've got it made. I've seen the categories, I've seen the rain. I want to tell my story before I'm gone, before I'm gone, before I'm gone, before I'm gone. I've been on fire and I've been away. I've been the sun out on the lake and I can't let go. I've been away and I've had a few. I've looked at me when I'm looking at you, and I can't let go. I've set a personal record for being away. If I can't have tomorrow, I guess I'll wait. I guess I'll wait, I guess I'll wait. I've been on fire and I've been awake. I've been the sun Out on a lake and I can't let go. I've been away and I've had a few. I've looked at me, when I'm looking at you, and I can't let go. I've been on fire and I've been away. I've been the sun Out on a lake. I can't let go. I've been away and I've had a few. I've looked at me, when I'm looking at you, and I can't let go.

Speaker 7:

You All we will ever know, locked in these shadows, fear of what lies before. Burn your name. Burn your name. Burn your name. Burn your name in His name. All I ask leave the past behind. I'll know next time. Guitar solo Open this box before. Can't close the open door. Slip through the cracks for sure. Burn your name. Kick down these dominoes All falling in a row. Unborrowed time, you know? Yeah, but your nails in this grave. All I ask Is the past Behind, and all I know Just how far down this road we go. When all subsides Feel the hollow left inside, I'll know this time, thank you, burn your name. I'll know this sound.

Speaker 4:

Burn your name, burn your name, burn your name.

Speaker 7:

You are listening to Real, to Real Broadcasting.

Speaker 1:

That's right. R2, rb always on, and that short version of Couch Poise, don't Let Go. I just emailed and was like oops, not quite sure what happened with that one, but that's from Couch Boys' newest album coming out. So we'll find out what's going on with that and I will certainly replay that when I get the full MP3. After that was Burn your Name, cicada Stone.

Speaker 1:

All right, what else is going on? I don't know about you guys, but we definitely need Sunday evenings, you know, time to unwind, kind of get ready for the work week. I'm not looking forward to the work week, oh, my goodness gracious. But anyway, lots of things going on. What'd you all do this weekend? Where was I, um, where was I? Well, friday, of course I was at second chance ranch. Thanks for asking.

Speaker 1:

We are in the middle of september and on october 19th, uh will be our first open house, from 10 to 3 at 2376 Santown Road in Felton, delaware. If you are in the area, I hope that you stop by. We'll have a food truck, we'll have vendors and live music. First up we will have Taylor Wallace, who is a singer-songwriter country singer-songwriter right here from Delaware, and following Taylor will be Regan Kent. Regan Kent, uh from Maryland, singer-songwriter, country singer-songwriter See the theme here, my kind of music I um. In the meantime I was looking for someone to fill the third spot for the afternoon. One to fill the third spot for the afternoon.

Speaker 1:

There is a music studio in Camden, delaware, flower Child Music Studio, owned by Rivers and Rhodes, who are singer-songwriters themselves, right here in Delaware. So I've been reaching out. I reached out to Ashley. I knew that Rivers and Rhodes schedule. They were booked for October 19th, but I still reached out to Ashley and asked if perhaps one or two of her students would be interested in perhaps coming and performing in the third slot. I had been to a summer recital, summer concert at the studio there in Camden. It was fun. We were all sitting out front on the lawn and students were performing on the porch. It was great. It happened to be Taylor Wallace was there that night or that afternoon as well. So Ashley said she would definitely check to see if some of the students would be interested and I am happy to say that we have two joining us.

Speaker 1:

I am so excited to have these two gentlemen joining us. I will let you know who they are shortly. So I'm excited. We're all excited. The horses, the goats, miniature pony, the donkey, the chickens, the ducks. Yes, we are all so happy to and looking forward to the open house Again October 19th, 10 to 3.

Speaker 1:

If you're a vendor, you know of a vendor that would like to come out and be part of our open house. You can reach out to 2CRDEorg and just hit the RSVP button. That will take you to the next page where you can sign up at either as a vendor or a sponsor. And, yes, if you're listening tonight, and if you'd like to be a sponsor, we have a $20 sponsorship which will then put your flyer up on our wall in the barn, on the second chance ranch website, on r2rb website, and, of course, I'll be letting everybody know who will be joining us as I get the list. I want to thank ashwalt stevens for being a donator. I want to thank joe boo um, which he goes by. He's in the man with many projects. Let me tell you um. So yeah, um again. If, if you can, you can donate to CRDE, become a sponsor and all good stuff.

Speaker 1:

All right, what time is it? It is almost time for the Inspirational Gospel Hour with Sintel. I am so excited, very excited. For some reason, he always comes to the rescue on a Sunday night. It's been a I don't know kind of been a weird week for me, so I'm looking forward to our conversation tonight. So what did we listen to? I think I told you right Burn your Names. Cicada Stone. I like that one Couch Boy. I've reached out to him. I don't know if I'm going to get the MP3 before the show is over, but I'm trying. Next up, leave Him Behind the Family Grave, their newest single. Have you listened to them before? I like them. And in the meantime, while I am ringing Sintel, enjoy the music and I promise we will be back.

Speaker 7:

You are listening to Real, to Real Broadcasting guitar solo. Why don't you leave him behind? It's just another state of mind. It's just a matter of time Before he fades away. Take the monkey off your back. Put his presence in a sign. You know you're on a better track Now you don't have to stay. There's another road to run and all the songs you sung Like the smoke inside your lungs that never floats away. It takes time to get it right. You know it's love at just first sight and there are times you'll have to fight To make it through the day. But you know that you are strong. You always got you wrong and every time you got along it's just a price to pay. So climb down from that cross. You ain't gotta look so lost. And all the chains you toss Just to get away. Why don't you leave him behind? It's just another state of mind. It's a matter of time Before he fades away, before he fades away, for he fades away, for he fades away.

Speaker 1:

All right, that was the Family Grave. Leave Him Behind, go check them out. Well, it is that time. It is the Inspirational Gospel Hour with Centelle, and I have Centelle on the line with me. How are you, hey? Hey, I'm good, good, I'm so glad to have you here again. I can't believe where the time goes. It's like, wow, it's time. And I hope everybody looks as forward to this hour as I do, because I don't know.

Speaker 8:

You always seem to come on the show just at the right time. Well, you know, we all need, you know inspiration. We all need, you know, some sort of spiritual guidance. Even if we're not really spiritual people, we still need something that inspires us and gets us through.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, exactly, and that's what I have posted this afternoon. It's like you know, whatever your belief or what you believe in, or whatever way you know you do, do, do it. You can't walk away from the show without feeling something. I hope so, I know so. So yeah, absolutely so. Tonight's topic is changes of the heart. Um, why don't you tell us, tell us where we're going to start with that?

Speaker 8:

Okay, so everyone deals with the with this issue. Everyone has a heart right deals with this issue. Everyone has a heart right. So we all deal with the ups and downs that our heart takes us through. That could be like you know. It could be a physical thing that's going on with your heart, or it could be something that's spiritually or emotionally connected to your heart Right.

Speaker 8:

So that's why I wanted to bring up, you know, change of the heart and how we go through all these different things. Bring up you know change of the heart and how we go through all these different things and you know the first point of it is changing for the better. Because changing for the better, that starts with a mental thing first, because you have to think that you want to. You have to get the idea that you want to change something, right, right. So after that you press into that and you make that.

Speaker 8:

you make that conscious decision to want to change, but all the time it don't just happen you know like immediately changes don't always happen, you know, within a click of the wrist or a snap of your fingers.

Speaker 8:

It don't always happen like that. Sometimes change is a process, sure is, and so like with that, with the first part of that, I had a scripture that goes with that, and that one was Psalms 51 and 10. And it says Creating me a clean heart, o God, and renew a right spirit within me. And so that's like that's a prayer, because the heart hides so many things that the world doesn't see, and we hide so many. You can hide lust, you can hide hate, you can hide deception, you can be conniving. All of this can be a heart condition. It can all be linked to the heart like true. You wonder why people hate so much, or why a person has less love for this person or that person. You know, it's all those different things that just makes us human.

Speaker 8:

Right it makes us human, and so you know that scripture is like a prayer to God, saying look, I need you to help me clean my heart out, and so that's why the first song that I wanted to choose for that was called Change my Outcome. So that's why the first song that I wanted to choose for that was called Change my Outcome.

Speaker 1:

And when we come back from this song, I have some questions for you, because there's been so many things happening lately that kind of goes with this tonight, so we'll be back.

Speaker 7:

This is Cyntel's song. Change my Outcome. There isn't much to say. When you've had a bad day, spirit's feeling down, so down and lonely. That's when I need a pick-me-up, loyalty and vanity, a morning cup of coffee. This when I need a pick me up, lord. You're the air that I need. A morning cup of coffee. Wake me up. I'm ready to start again. Purify the rain, wash away my sins, then cover me internally to eternity. Oh Jesus, I can't go on without you, day and night. I need to make it right until I see you, lord, I'm not used to doing right. Make me over, please make things right. Change my outcome. Change my outcome, lord. For me, lord, I surrender and run to you. Take my heart and hold it. Cause you showed me. Change my outcome. Change my outcome, lord. Change me, lord. Oh, oh, oh. Change my outcome, oh, oh, oh, lord. Change me in this moment.

Speaker 7:

All of my imperfections. Change All of my heartaches. Change All of the drama. I I had to change my outcome. All of my imperfections. Change All of my heartaches. Change All of the drama. I had to change my outcome. Lord, I'm not used to doing right. Lord, I'm not used to doing right. Lord, I'm not used to doing right. Change my outcome. But only you, only you can change me. Lord, I'm living unto you. Take my heart and hold it. Cause it's true. Take my heart and hold it. Change my outcome, lord. Change me, lord. Change me. Lord, oh oh oh. Change my outcome. Change my outcome.

Speaker 4:

Oh, oh oh, Change me, change me, Change me, change me. My outcome Change me, change me, change me, change me, change me, change me.

Speaker 7:

My outcome, my outcome, my outcome, my outcome't come Live.

Speaker 1:

All right, we are back. It is the Inspirational Gospel Hour with Cyntel and myself, Deb LaManna, on Out of the Attic Live from Delaware. Tonight we're talking changes of the heart, and changing for the better, which led us into the scripture of creating me a clean heart. Oh God, renew a right spirit within me. And then Cyntel's beautiful song Change my Outcome. So, Cyntel, tell us about the song.

Speaker 8:

Okay, so Change my Outcome was pretty much it was an outcry from personal experiences that I was dealing with at that time and I was crying out to God, basically saying change my surroundings, change my heart, change my outcome, everything that's negative and forcing me to do and be the person that you don't want me to be, change all that for me, all summed up in one song, like just change my outcome. So that's what that song is all about. Beautiful.

Speaker 1:

And while you and I were off air excuse me, as I was earlier this afternoon or yesterday it's all the blur I posted about tonight's show. I also posted about all the viciousness that has been going on in the attacking of other indie artists by indie artists and, just really quick, I shared with Centelle. You know, with EWL and Tim it's like people if he's not your cup of tea, then don't listen to him. If you know, if there's a group that you think aren't doing right by you, then go do your own thing. There's so much out there to do your own thing. Or you know, at least support whomever if they're not hurting you.

Speaker 1:

Um, and you know this all wraps into, you know, we're in a we're in an era of people hiding behind facebook and making comments that they think that they're. Yes, there is the fifth amendment and there are. There is freedom of speech, but, come on, it doesn't mean you can go and attack people. So, cyntel, I'm glad that you brought this here tonight, because so many people need a change of heart, that is for sure.

Speaker 8:

And you know we've had these discussions before about the vindictiveness of how people are and things of that sort. And you know I'm a person I love music. I'm very eclectic when it comes to my music. I love different types of genres, I love different styles. I may listen to something and you'd be like that is weird, I don't know what you like that Right, but that's just me.

Speaker 8:

That's just me. You know I was the person. I was the kid when I was growing up. I loved all of the different jingles from the commercials. You know I could sing them and I'll be singing them. At random times, people looking at me like what is wrong with you? Like did you not like that song? Right, you know, and it's. And you know, like you said and like I've said before, just because someone is doing some type of musical, some type of style that you don't like, you're entitled to your own opinion about it Right, you do.

Speaker 8:

All the time. All the time. You don't have to share it Exactly, you can keep it to yourself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly yeah, or you know. I also think that there's nothing wrong with saying you know what? That's not my cup of tea.

Speaker 8:

But don't be vicious about it, don't attack somebody about it right, you know, and you just like I said this these times now, with people and everyone's egos and and attitudes and things of that sort, everyone's stuff that's being hidden within their heart is spilling out through their mouth and, yes, they are hiding behind messages and some people will do it viciously in front of you. So you know, it's all coming to fruition. Like you know everything that people are hiding in their hearts. They're just flattening it out now and it's just coming to fruition. Like you know everything that people are hiding in their hearts. They're just flattening it out now and it's just coming to light.

Speaker 1:

It is and it's not good period. I mean, it's just not good all around. And so how do you let God change you?

Speaker 8:

So you know it's my first step in letting God change me. And for you know, just for the people out there, the listeners, you have to pray, and prayer starts with asking for repentance. You know you ask God to forgive you for those hateful things you may have thought or those things you may have said. And sometimes we don't intentionally mean to hurt people and we do it and we don't even, we don't even acknowledge that we've done it true.

Speaker 8:

So you know my grandmother. She always taught us when we pray that we say you know, lord, forgive me for all of my sins by words, thoughts, deeds, knowingly and unknowingly, because a lot of things we do do knowingly to hurt people. When we feel like we're being attacked or we're feeling some type of way about ourselves, we perfectly attack others. That's true. There's sometimes you may have just been caught up in the moment and it may have just came out the wrong way. You meant to express yourself in a different way, but it came out, and you know, in another way and hurt someone, and it was unintentional right so, um, you know.

Speaker 8:

So that's that's how I could do it and just understand that you, you know God is forgiving. He is a forgiving God and he gives us grace and mercy and you know being having your heart being changed. You must become forgiving because, you know, the Bible teaches us that we have to be forgiving, just like God forgives us, because if we don't forgive people, god won't forgive us for the stuff that we do. If we don't forgive others, we don't have stuff to us. I know that's kind of conundrum because it's called that, but I know the wording is crazy, but that's just the way it is.

Speaker 8:

You, know, people do stuff to us, we do stuff to others, and then everyone gets riled up, get caught up in their feelings and then, oh, I hate this and I can't stand this. And then la, la, and then you know, then you do something, and then you, you figure out oh god, I want you to forgive me because I did something that. But then you're holding a grudge against someone. That's something that's probably just as petty as a penny dropping on a mat, true? And you're asking for forgiveness and you can't forgive that little petty thing that you can put down and move on.

Speaker 1:

Because that grows in you. I mean, I'll take you know for myself. You know, there have been times I have argued with my sister or something, or she has said words that I didn't agree with and I've held a grudge, or and I've held it in and it eats happened. I won't even say I, it has happened where I might be, have been mad at my sister, and yet I'll turn around and I've, you know, said something to somebody else that I shouldn't have, but because I'm still holding this, you know, this grudge, or I'm, I'm, um, you know, hurt, or whatever the case may be, then words come out that, and to somebody else that I wouldn't maybe normally have said what I had said at that time too.

Speaker 1:

So, you know, and it does take time to one to recognize that you have that in your heart, and then it takes time to finally say, all right, I have to let this go and reconcile it with myself or whomever you might reconcile things with, and and then to be able to say to the person that you, you know, you've been angry with and you said you know, um, you know, I'm sorry, let's move forward, Um, and once you do for me, once I've done that, um, you can feel a difference in yourself. I can feel, when I have finally let it go, that you know I've made, you know, an effort. You know, with my sister We've been sisters for a long time.

Speaker 8:

You know, like you said, you feel a difference. That's like carrying a weight.

Speaker 1:

It's like carrying a weight and once you get past that it relieves and you feel so much lighter exactly yes, and you know, and some people excuse me, some people reach out to god and say, please, god, I need your help, please, you know, let me know which way I need to go with this. And some people have their own way of of, of whatever spirituality they might have, um, and whatever ways that they they deal with that. But we all have it, call it what you want, want, right, you know, we, you and I, we believe in God and on our faith and those. You know it's, it's, it's there. So you have to, you know, listen to what's Intel is saying.

Speaker 1:

Again, and this is what I love about you is that when you, you know, come on the show and we talk about the subjects we talk about, there is never any. Anything in your voice is like my way is the only way, and that's what I love about you. It's like this is what I have to offer. These are my thoughts that I want to share with you. I want to share my faith, and tonight just resonates with me because I shared with you all the negativity and the vision that's been going on social media.

Speaker 8:

Well, you know, like I've said before, that you know God. You know my belief in God is not to be pushed on anyone, because God is. You know, god is a gentleman. He's not going to knock on your door. The Bible says lo, he stands at the door knocking. Anyone hears him, they will open the door and knock. And anyone hears them, they will open the door and let them in right.

Speaker 8:

So you know god's love is freely given and something you know a person that loves you is not going to force that love on you right no.

Speaker 8:

So um, and just like um, I have another scripture, um, jeremiah 17, 9, and it says the heart is deceitful above all things and is desperately wicked. Who can know it? I, the Lord, search the heart and the true reign even to give every man according to his ways and according to the fruits of his doing man according to his ways and according to the fruits that he's doing. And so you know, like I was saying that we, we, as humans, we hide so much stuff in our hearts and you could put a smile on your face but you could have the nastiest stuff hidden in there. That's true. That's true. You know, like and and just like my song, give your heart away from future revelation.

Speaker 8:

I said the heart is so lying and deceitful. That was, that was the first line. You know I got that from that scripture and it really is, because you know, I mean, I'm not perfect and I've felt that way before. You know, I could have put a smile on my face, but I, I mean it's been times where I've had some vicious stuff in my heart about people, like you know, wanting to get even and things of that sort. But you know it took God and it took prayer to get me to where I'm at now, and understanding that everything that a person does to you is not always just them. Sometimes it's a spiritual attack right, it's. It's nothing that you know the devil kicks up and you know cause all this chaos and confusion, because God doesn't, god is not offer confusion. God is, is a, he's a man and he's a God of love and peace and joy and of a sound mind. And those are the strong attributes that make Christ and that goes into the second song, conversations that we all need to have a conversation with God.

Speaker 1:

Let's hear it, we'll be right back.

Speaker 7:

Lord, I can't have a conversation with you. There's a lot of things that's going on and I've just got to talk to you. I just got to talk to you. I just got to talk to you. I know the way I'm bringing unto you, can be strong, but if I keep bringing my faith, I know that you will make me strong. But, lord, I need to have a conversation with you.

Speaker 7:

I spend all my time trying to be right. When I was in sin and was so wrong, but then you tapped my heart and gave me a brand new start and in that moment I won't forget Crying out. And you filled my soul, my soul, and filled me with your holy gold, holy gold. Now please keep me close, cause sometimes I don't know what to do. Yeah, when this world gets a bit in my way, my way, I might get a little out of place, can't find the words to say my way and I gotta talk to you. I just gotta talk to you and I need to talk to you. I know the way to bring it up to you, can be strong, but if I keep praying my faith and if I keep praying my faith. But, lord, I need to have a conversation. I need to have a conversation with need to have a conversation with you.

Speaker 7:

There's no other opportunity I take Than having a conversation with this greatness. His love is so supplying and it throws all the time. Jesus' words keeps me healed. All is there and it keeps me fulfilled. His words are in charge, so just adore him. Is there anyone out there that needs to have a conversation with Jesus? You know, I'm so glad that when I need him he's always there. All I have to talk to you. You know I gotta talk to you. I just gotta talk to you, jesus, I gotta talk to you. I know the way to bring you down to you, can be strong, but if I keep praying my faith to you, you won't make me strong, and I know I'm too strong. But, lord, I need to have a conversation with you. I need to have a conversation with you. I need to have a conversation with you.

Speaker 1:

All right, this is the Inspirational Gospel Hour with Centel and myself, deb LaMotta, here on Out of the Attic, live from Delaware. And that was Conversation by Centel, another beautiful song. Thank you, you're welcome song.

Speaker 6:

Thank you.

Speaker 8:

You're welcome Conversation. That song is definitely. It hits home for me because you know how, when you're all alone, that's when the perfect time to be able to talk to God is when I'm alone.

Speaker 9:


Speaker 8:

Because there's no distractions around me and I'm the time to be able to talk to God when I'm alone, right, and because there's no distractions around me and I'm able to fully, I guess, surrender my issues and my problems and my concerns all to God in that time that I'm able to talk to him by myself, talk to him by myself, and it may seem far-fetched for people, but I'm a person of faith and I do believe that God hears my prayers and he hears me when I'm speaking to him and a lot of times you know, you get that.

Speaker 8:

It's that soft, subtle voice that gives you that comfort and you feel like wow, like I really just had a moment with God and he heard me.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 8:

I feel so much better because I've released what I needed to release Yep. And so you know asking for help from God to aid in the change, in the change of the heart. That's why I say you got to have a conversation, because how else are you going to communicate that? You got to be able to conversate, you got to be able to talk about it, you got to be able to have your voice be heard and to let it be known that, hey, god, I can't do this on my own. I need you, that's it, and I need your guidance, that's it.

Speaker 8:

And we all, even when we get to become adults, we still need guidance in this life. Because this life is so crazy, with all the ups and downs and all the curveballs you get thrown daily, we need some sort of guidance and you need some sort of person you know, absolutely 100%. Hold your hand and lead you. Yes, absolutely, absolutely, yeah. And so with that I guess we can go into the song. It's my prayer for you, and this song is pretty much about um saying like these are all the things that I think about when I'm praying for everyone. So it's kind of like a personal thing of my prayer and how I pray for people around me. So this is my prayer for you.

Speaker 1:

Bye Centel, and we'll be back.

Speaker 7:

No matter what. I want you to never give up. I want you to never give up, no matter how difficult situations might get. You can keep it in check If you pray. This is my prayer for you. Don't give up, don't give in. This is my prayer for you. Don't hesitate, this is my prayer for you. Don't hesitate, let Jesus win, because that's what you ought to do. So stay close, don't lose your faith. And to see for one another, because you can't give up. Can't let it go. This is my prayer for you.

Speaker 7:

Sometimes it's hard to get out of bed. Sometimes you feel really sad. All the ups and downs we face on a daily basis it's got you down. Seems like you can't get away from your mistakes Cause they tend to follow you. Don't fret, you got someone praying in your corner now for your night too.

Speaker 7:

They say we must pray. I say no time to waste. We must fall down to our knees and pray. Don't give up, don't give in, don't give in. This is my prayer for you. Don't give up, don't give in, don't give in. This is my prayer for you. This is my prayer for you.

Speaker 7:

Don't hesitate, let Jesus win, uh-huh, because that's what you ought to do. That's what you ought to do. So stay close, don't lose your faith. And to see for one another, because you can't give up, can't let it go. Can Cause you can't give up, can't let it go. This is my prayer for you. I'm praying on the right side of my bed. Can't forget forgiveness, cause that'll be a sin, all the sins we commit on a daily routine. It holds you down, but God is here to lose the chains and unleash you from the things that has had you bound. Don't forget it is he who has set you free, so give him praises now. They say we must pray. I say there's no time to waste. We must fall down to our knees in prayer. Don't give up, don't give in. This is my prayer for you. Don't hesitate, let Jesus win, because that's what you ought to do. So stay close, don't lose your faith. And to see one another. Don't give up up. Can't let it go. This is my prayer for you. This is my prayer for you.

Speaker 1:

Wow, my Prayer For you by Cyntel, Another beautiful song. Wow, so we were talking off air. Real quick, Excuse me. You know your inspiration and where you draw from and you know you had don't tell us what you had said I said that, um, a lot of times I'm just humming.

Speaker 8:

I hum a lot and I'm singing words and phrases off the top of my head and, and a lot of times if something sticks out to me, I'll record it or I'll write it down and then I'll go back to it. If I record it and listen to it and create a whole song.

Speaker 1:

Wow, amazing. It still always amazes me with indie artists and songwriting. Wow, beautiful songs. Sintel, really, really beautiful and uplifting.

Speaker 8:

Thank you, and that's what I wanted it to be Something that was uplifting telling you. And that's what I wanted it to be, something that was uplifting telling you. You know, don't give up and don't give in. That's my prayer for everyone to never give up, to keep pushing, keep going forward, keep striving to be better.

Speaker 9:

Right Be better just be better.

Speaker 8:

You know and I'm not telling you because none of us are perfect we're never going to be perfect. We're always going to have flaws, right, because that's just what it is here here on earth. We're going to always have flaws, yes and uh. And so, um, going into our next point, um, accomplishing the change, um, you know, accomplishing a change, like I said, it takes a process. So you know, first you had to make the decision to want the change Right, then you had to pray and ask for forgiveness, and ask for the leadership, and now accomplishing that change is now you've got to put those things into action to make the change happen.

Speaker 1:

Right, and so, and so um, and it's not something that can happen overnight, I think. Sometimes we feel that all these changes are going to happen immediately, but it's going to take time because you admit, like you just said, it becomes a habit, and a habit doesn't form overnight.

Speaker 8:

Right, and a habit doesn't always break overnight either. That's just why there's so many people that still smoke drink drugs and everything else Right? Yeah, bad habits are hard to break.

Speaker 1:

That's right.

Speaker 8:

And remember one of our shows before. I was talking about going in circles.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 8:

The whole circle, that whole circle that keeps repeating itself and it's hard to get out of that rut. It is Now that you're putting forth. You know you got to start with changing, step by step, those things in your pathway that causes you to go back to your old habits. You have to start changing those things that may be people. Sometimes it's hard for us to cut off people, especially when we're close to them, love them and you know we've become friends with them. But sometimes you have to understand that everybody is not good for you.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, and that is something that's very hard. It is very hard, you know you don't always want to, you know, walk away from somebody that you had, whatever the relationship might have been, but then becomes toxic for you and sometimes hanging on to that relationship is not a good thing.

Speaker 8:

Absolutely, and that's something that I personally. I had to really suffer the consequence and learn from that mistake, because I felt like, if I let go of this person, I'm not going to have a friend Exactly, or I'm going to be alone in this situation because I stopped communicating with this person. But then I also had to figure out what is this person bringing to my life? What are they bringing to my life? Because if they're only bringing, you know, bad things to my life, or enhancing my bad behavior for me to continue in it instead of for me changing, then what good is the friendship for? There's not a true friend.

Speaker 8:

A true friend will try to direct you and try to help you change, you know, and try to stay with you, you know, through the process. And so I definitely want to go into this next song about music. And I am Marshall JD and Marshall Marshall is another spiritual brother to me. We're connected spiritually, as well as friends, through music, because I've talked to him on and off, you know two messages and stuff like that, and so his song better man, I felt fit um the changes, and I'm not trying to say that women, it's better man, because we we're all part, you know you got man and you got woman.

Speaker 1:

So I know, I know it's hard to be always politically correct.

Speaker 8:

So yes, Better man is definitely the song. All right, we got it.

Speaker 1:

Better man featuring I Am Marshall, the truth music.

Speaker 7:

And I know there's plenty more I'ma make. But I'ma change my ways and I'm gonna be the man I promised I would be. I'm going to be a better man than what I used to be. I never meant to hurt you. I'm sorry for what I put you through. I'm gonna be a better man for me, gonna be a better man to you. I know it's gonna take some time To prove to you that I am a changed guy, but I realize I was wrong. I just wish you didn't take me oh so long. I'm gonna be a better man than what I used to be. I never meant to hurt you. I'm sorry for what I put you through.

Speaker 7:

I'm gonna be a better man for me Gonna be a better man to you. I'm sorry I hurt you, I'm sorry I made you cry and I'm sorry about the loss. I've been a terrible guy yes, I know it's true, but I'm gonna be a better man to you. I've made my mistakes and I know there's plenty more I'ma make, but I'ma change my ways and I'm gonna be the man I promised I would be 20 years of church on Sunday, first pew, perfect till Monday, going through the motions.

Speaker 4:

But can I change? Not as faithful as I should be. Lord, give me strength that I need. I don't want to give up today. What if I wouldn't want to give up today? My patience, well, it's true. What if I have one place and draw it close to you, needin' courage to find my way, a little passion to start my day? I can't depend on myself. Halfway is not a choice. Lord, hear the cry in my voice and I don't want to be the same. What if I'm one prayer away Before your plan is fulfilled, one prayer away Before I know your will? Thank you, I found your wheel. You stirred my feeling, my patience. Well, it's good. And I was only. I was only One player away from you, one player away, one prayer away.

Speaker 1:

What a beautiful song. One prayer away, second chance rising, and a beautiful song. Better man I am. Marshall. The truth music.

Speaker 8:

Oh my gosh, santel, I am really enjoying the music tonight. Yeah, you know, those songs both resonate and you know we all just want to be better ourselves. And what truth music and Iall did that song was. And then, of course, I love my brother's voice. He's got that little rap oh my god right, and I love it. I love it so much. And then, um, one prayer away, I mean it's just, it's just one of those songs that you just listen to and you understand that you know we're all just one prayer away from anything that we need from God. And that song, really, it really resonates with that. It's just prayer. Prayer is just the key. Prayer is just the key to a lot of people. We feel like we don't know how to pray, but prayer is just. It's pretty much just a conversation with you and God and letting him know. You know, hey, this is where I'm at, this is what's going on with me. Even though he sees and knows, he still wants us to tell him Right.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 8:

And I mean talking to God and having a conversation with him, praying, it's just, it's so therapeutic, yeah, it's almost. And having a conversation with him, praying, it's just, it's so therapeutic, it's just almost like having a shrink in the house. There you go and you don't have to worry about this doctor ever talking about you negatively or using your downfalls or your shortcomings against you.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's so true.

Speaker 8:

Because God is going to be there to lift you up and to mold you and make you better, and it's just, that's just. Oh, my God, I get so excited talking about that because I, you know, I know how it feels to be down and to be, you know, out. You feel like you're out of it. And then we reconnect with God spiritually and how he builds you up and just brings you to a new place in your life and you're just like wow, absolutely, he really got me out of that mess. He really got me out of that.

Speaker 1:

So it's just, I mean, I hope everyone can just feel what I'm saying right now, because I'm so, I'm about to burst with excitement you know, because when I talk about very, very uplifting, you are always positive, you are you know prayer warriors, um, and if anybody needs any inspiration or is having a bad day, you know that's. You know you want to reach out to somebody like centel who's going to lift you up and be inspirational and say, hey, all is not lost. Let me tell you, we all live in this world of craziness and all the awful things that do and are happening out there. It's scary, and so to have a little faith in God, if that's what you believe in or whatever your spirits may be, you're what you believe in or whatever your spirits may be, um, and I, honestly, this afternoon I don't know why sunday afternoons lately for me, um, I'm gonna have to take a better look at that. I was struggling this afternoon. I've got a lot on my plate. I do it to myself, um, I love all the things I do and yet I can be my biggest doubter and bring myself down and with you know, very quickly. But part of me knew that I was going to be having this conversation with you tonight and so that you know, even though I kind of went, as I call it, I went down the rabbit hole for a little while this afternoon, I knew, and what kind of you know, got me going was one. I knew how to go on air um, which I could very easily cancel, but I just knew that from this conversation tonight it just it does. It uplifts me, it gives me things to think about. You know, I could go on with feeling blah for, you know, for the rest of the evening, but I know I won't and I know that, you know, when I have what I'm facing at work it's a crazy.

Speaker 1:

You know, I work at a school. I have parents calling for all different kinds of reasons and I'm the first one that they get, and it's like we're an alternative school. So sometimes, you know, you know the kids come from all different types of backgrounds and you can't always blame their you know their outbursts on them. It's their environment sometimes too, um. And then you know, teachers get to, you know, burnt out as well. We're only going into work week three.

Speaker 1:

I was joking with teasing, saying is it June yet? Is it June? But the first couple of weeks are always hectic. But again, I just want to bring it back to you. And you know change, changes of the heart, um, to be able to, you know, reach out to somebody and and I know, centel, you want to call him, message him he'll. He'll talk with you, absolutely, um, or who you know you will. I know whoever you talk to because need this? I'm going back to the viciousness and the nastiness and the and the hatred comments on social media. Um, the jealousy, the, what else is out there? Um, that kind of hits everything on the head right there. Yeah, right, you know, change it people and, like I had said earlier, don't like it, don't listen to it, don't like what they have to say, don't listen. You want to say something else? Then you go to your side of the channel and do what you want to do, that's all. Don't attack somebody, yay.

Speaker 8:

You know, I just wanted to say that you know message and and dev's uh, dev's message. We're not here to attack anyone. This is just. I just want people to think and to understand that you know we all have changes to make in ourselves. If none of us is perfect, we all have problems, we all have issues and concerns, absolutely. But when we, when we bond together in love and we bond together in faith in God and we trust God, he makes the changes so worth it.

Speaker 8:

Believe me, that's right, because even though you're on this new path and you know things have been refreshed and you feel brand new because there has been a change, now you're going to have to deal with the struggles that come with change, because not everyone is going to be happy about that change. No, not everyone is going to support it. No, going to support it, and that's something I had to deal with too, coming up that the changes that I made personally for myself and for my relationship with Christ. A lot of people I mean I've lost so many friends because now I'm not cursing or now I'm not drinking with them. Right, and you know being wild and obnoxious, right?

Speaker 8:

You know you know, along with them. I'm not being catty and and and just up in people's faces and you know, snap back just because you said something to me, right.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 8:

And, um, you know, and, and, and, and. Those are the struggles, because those goes into the other thing. The other topic we talked about last month was temptations. Oh right, and temptations, all those things that you're weak to is always going to come back to you.

Speaker 5:

They always come back to you, those things which are your weakness.

Speaker 8:

They always come back, come back to you. They always come back to you, those things that are your weakness. They always come back. That's right, they always come back. And those are the tests, and if you're able to overcome those and to get through those, then you can really see within yourself that change is actually taking root. That's right.

Speaker 1:

That's right and if you've made that decision to make that change, it's never going to be easy. But if you've put into place some of those changes of heart, it's going to make it a little bit easier to get to a better place quicker than it was in the past.

Speaker 8:

Yes, and so that leads me to my next song, the Changing Tide, by Hello London. I know a lot of you may not know him because he does not have a Facebook page, but I met him. I think on Instagram. Oh cool, and he's like he kind of reminds me of Hippie, kind of like but, he's like rock's like rock, alternative rock and things that sort and um. I love his voice and he's even like at the time when I had my merch store set up right he bought murder from me.

Speaker 8:

I was like wow. And so when he, when he finally released the merch, I bought merch from him too. See, and my mother my mother, of course, she has a shirt bought merch from him too see and my mother, my mother, of course, she has a shirt.

Speaker 4:

She's there, you go.

Speaker 8:

So you know, I took a picture and said hey bro, look I got the merch, but look who's wearing it anyway. Oh my god, I love your mom so yeah, so this song, this song, the changing tide it is. It's not like a spiritual song, but you can get spiritual aspects from it if you listen to the lyrics.

Speaker 1:

And it's Hello London, the Changing Tide guitar solo.

Speaker 7:

Dream is broken under a full moon night. Washed ashore by a reckless tide, we stand hand in hand, defying, at best Trembling under the weight of the world. Thank you, rose upon rose, a far-flore constellation Between the ocean and land. I know it's coming Around again. I've seen it before the change in time. It's cold to catch a spark that burns within a soul. Move from the freezing rain to find an ember's glow. Thank you, I know it's coming Around again. I've seen it before. The change inside. I know it's coming Around again.

Speaker 2:

The scales are weighed With waves of time. You know, often in life we tend to take things for granted. We don't realize when we look back how many chances God has given us. The thing is, what are you going to do with those chances? Are you going to make the best of it or are you going to waste it? I had some people that changed up on me Moment I told them about all my dreams. Guess, there's some things that's just not what they seem. Thought you were gonna ride, but I guess that's a dream.

Speaker 2:

I'm just so lucky God gave me these chances and I'm so thankful for my circumstances. Why do some people be starving and killing and robbing? I guess I don't got all the answers. I got a father that's always looked out for me, kept me away from the ones that have doubted me. I keep my focus on him and my mind free from sin and I know that's how I will live happily, know he is with me wherever I go, Need him to guide me. I protect my soul, hope that I do him proud, hope I do more. Meanwhile, I'm singing these songs on the road like Chances.

Speaker 3:

No more chances. I don't wanna let you down. Chances, no more chances. I just wanna let you down. No more chances.

Speaker 10:

I just wanna make you proud. So many times I fall Way too many ways I'm flawed. Your grace is efficient. I'm over here wishing you'd pull me closer to you. I need to go find me a clue Over here, feeling so blue, cause I'm feeling you. I never intended to fall as hard as I did. I'm a son of my heart, but you rolled a donkey, made my way through the valley. I travel. I'll never give up. I'm a preacher of revival, looking for souls for you. I'll give it all to you. I will hold on to you. I will reach out my hand and ask for mercy to help the money we threw.

Speaker 3:

Chances, we'll be right back. Chances nor chances. I don't want to let you down. Chances nor chances. I just want to make you proud.

Speaker 1:

Wow, outlaws for the Cross Chances, and before that, hello London with the Changing Tide, oh my gosh All right, centel, tell us about these chances.

Speaker 8:

Okay, so, hello London, the Changing Tide and, like I said, the spiritual aspect of it to me was I was thinking about the ocean and how the tides move. You know they change all the time, and that's how our life is sometimes Right, it always changes. There's always something that's making it either go bumpy, or it can make us into the lowest depths, or it can rise us way above, like like a, like a tsunami, like it can raise us up too, and that's, that's that's the spiritual aspect that I got from this all oh wow, that's why I wanted to share that.

Speaker 8:

And then my brothers, um outlaws for the cross with chances. I mean, when you think about forgiveness and you forgive someone, that's another chance to get it right, right that issue or that problem that they have. That's another chance to get things right. And that's the thing of the heart, because if you don't have forgiveness in your heart, how else are you going to get the chance for the person to make things, to make amends with you? Exactly exactly, there has to be a chance. There has to be a chance, there has to be a given, there has to be a given opportunity to make things right yes, you have to open yourself up to receive yes, and then you know and I think about also how often do we think about the chances that God gives us to to get out alive in order?

Speaker 8:

oh, my god, like, oh I'm tired of drinking, but they constantly drinking and drinking and drinking right and they you know, and they know it's wrong, because you know getting drunk and getting intoxicated leads to other things.

Speaker 8:

That leads to to you. You know you could possibly get a dui, you could possibly hurt someone. If you get behind the wheel you could hurt yourself. I mean two different things. And and you know, and how many? How many times do we come to god and say god, I'm sorry, I messed up again? And how many times does God say I understand, now forgive you, now pick yourself up and follow me right you know, and countless times yes, countless times I mean you cannot.

Speaker 8:

You cannot get past the. Just the love, it's love, it's the love that Christ has for each of us. You just can't get past that. You can't get past the chance after chance after chance after chance. But you know, with chances, sometimes your chances run out yeah, they do. Sometimes your chances run out, yeah, they do. And you don't want to be caught on the ugly end of the stick when your chances run out.

Speaker 1:

No no.

Speaker 8:

That's all I have to say about that.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to go with that, because it is true.

Speaker 8:

You really have to make that change to get that chance. Yes, right, have to make that change to get that chance. Yes, right. And so that leads me into the last poem in this set um, a better me by myself and noah hall ball my brother in christ, of course and um, it just goes to the theme of like a better man and now this is a better me, so I guess it's more. You don't have to feel like, oh, he's just cleaning women, so no, no, no oh my gosh.

Speaker 1:

I love this song, I and I remember when it first came out. I just have to ask real quick how is Noah?

Speaker 8:

Noah's, noah's fine. I mean he's had a couple of. He had a couple of, uh, bumps and bruises. Um, at work he did get hit in the head with, like I think he said, one of the fly boards or something and it knocked him unconscious. Ooh, and yeah, he's had a couple of bumps and bruises along the way, but Noah's strong and he's resilient. He got back up and, you know, I guess, had a couple of days off of rest and he's back at it. All right.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm waiting for him to hit the circuit again, because I also love his voice as well. You know I'm always pushing him for that, I know I know, and when you hear this song with cintel and noah you'll be, you'll know why I'm. I'm saying that because we do miss you, noah, and we hope to hear you again. All right, we'll be back a better me, cintel and Noah.

Speaker 7:

Harbaugh, show you a better me. Growing up as a young boy, I made many mistakes, going down the wrong path, blinded, confused. Until I met you, I learned to trust in you and no matter what you bring me through because God can't make any man show his glory and fulfill his purpose. Yes, and all my days will be walking into my eternity, god promised he'll bring me through. Validations of his words are true, gonna, fulfill my destiny. Every day that I wake up, I see your face. Gonna, have a better faith, be a better man, a better me.

Speaker 7:

This world's getting older, it's falling apart. But before you come, let me show you a better me. Yeah, you better me. Lord, I trust you and you love me. So let me show you a better me. Lord, I trust you and you would love me. So let me show you a better me. When I was just 16, I had to come back home and I ran away. I lost my way, did my own thing, hung, with wrong grounds too. But you came to me and saved my life. A new heart, a new life, a better me God promised to bring me through.

Speaker 2:

Validation secured.

Speaker 3:

His words are true Gonna fulfill my destiny Every night that I lay down.

Speaker 7:

I pray in your name. I've been seeking for you. Now I'm found in you. I better me cause. This world's gone colder. Everyone needs something. But before it's over, let me show you.

Speaker 4:

A bed of me.

Speaker 7:

When I've lost all hope. Help me seek your face and I feel despair. No matter what comes my way, you have changed my heart. Help me be a better me, a better me, a better you, a better me, a better you, a better me. I better you, I better me, I better you, I better me. I better you, I better me, I better you, I better me. Come on, put them hands together. Hey, alright. I better you, I better. I'm better you, better me, I'm better you, better me, I'm better you.

Speaker 1:

Better me, I'm better you. Better me, I'm better you, better me, I'm better me. And that was a better me. Sintel and Noah Harbaugh oh my gosh. I love that song and I do remember the first time I listened to it. It was like, oh my God, the two of you together, just a beautiful song, thank you, thank you.

Speaker 8:

Yes, you know, I hope everyone has got something. You know that was, even if you didn't agree with everything I'm saying.

Speaker 8:

I'm hoping that you took something positive from this whole. You know this whole time that I've been talking with you guys about changing the heart, because the heart is a very complicated thing. You got that right and a lot of times we don't know how to deal with our own issues in our heart. But, you know, hopefully this was something that gave you some insight, or maybe something that was spiritually that you needed absolutely, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

I have I have said before, I'll say it tonight you cannot listen to this this hour with centelle and walk away in a crappy mood. It just it won't happen, because I came on I wasn't in a crappy mood but but I was kind of feeling down and this hour with you just is very inspirational and very uplifting and, cyntel, I appreciate you and the time that we spend together on the Inspirational Gospel Hour.

Speaker 8:

I thank God that I'm able to do that Right.

Speaker 4:

Oh my gosh.

Speaker 8:

You know, even I need inspiration. So you know, being able to talk with you and to go, you know, a banter back and forth, it uplifted me as well. Well, thank you. Definitely I enjoy this so much.

Speaker 1:

But wait, wait, wait. We've got some listen. We've had an awesome hour of inspirational gospel with you, Sintel, but there's more, and if you haven't been on Facebook people following Sintel, then I don't know what you're doing. But, Sintel, what is going on and what's coming out soon.

Speaker 8:

Okay, so everyone knows I have an album coming out, yay.

Speaker 1:

Yay, oh, my God.

Speaker 8:

My album called Roaring Courage and I pretty much, as you've seen, with the teasers and stuff, I took a royal kind of concept. What's creating it? Because when I think about lions I think about majestic and you know, courage and regal and things, that's what. And then, not only that, I took the aspect of the lion and judah from the bible, right and um, the the roaring courage is pretty much um, the roaring part is it's not so much it's like being aggressive, but, um, like a shout of praise or a roar of triumph. Right, that's pretty much the raw part. And then the carriage is to to stand strong and in in your faith and stand strong on god's word and to be bold. That's what the courage part is. So that's why I called it roaring courage I love it, I really love it.

Speaker 1:

And we were talking offline, um, I had said to you you have done an exceptional job on um, marketing and promoting and uh, starting with with the teasers over a month ago right, at least leading us up and making us want September 25th to hurry up and get here.

Speaker 8:

So you know what else, right? Chris Bone Locker has an album coming out the same day as mine.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, I'm telling you there's a lot of great music coming out this month. Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 8:

Oh, you know. You know I picked with him about that Because when I saw his thing, I saw his teaser coming out. I said hold up, wait a minute. No one knows about this date of mine. How did he come up with this? And so I said date of mine how did he come up with it?

Speaker 2:

and so I said, I said chris are you?

Speaker 8:

are you talking? Why are you taking the same thing? He's like oh, brother, I did not even know. I said look at my, go back and look at my teases. If you look back and he's like oh, I'm so sorry, bro. He's like well, I guess they're to have double the music out there, right?

Speaker 1:

Right, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. I love Chris and his music as well, but I am so excited for this album to finally arrive on September 25th.

Speaker 8:

So, oh my goodness, I can't wait for you all to see tomorrow. I'm going to let you in on a little. Tomorrow is the track listing, so you'll see all the songs on the album and you'll see who's featured on this album.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God. Oh my God, Because Sintel has kept this secret and it's been killing me, but it's also been excited about the release and this has been fun. I've used an awesome, excellent, great job with doing that.

Speaker 8:

You know. So I can't wait for y'all to see this. See who I have featured on this album. Because I know y'all are going to be like what? Yeah?

Speaker 1:

And those that are featured on the album have done such a great job keeping it a secret, so this is really exciting, oh yeah of course Right.

Speaker 8:

I thought so much that hey you know it's killing me.

Speaker 1:

I want to tell everyone, I know but I can't either. Oh my gosh. Now you sent me a little snippet.

Speaker 8:

Yes, yes, yes. So I sent you something special for the evening. It's only it's a minute long, yep and um. It's from one of my songs on the album. It's called excuses and um, excuses, stop it, and so, um, I just wanted to share that because I think it would be something special oh, absolutely, and cintel had to you go ahead, I'm sorry. I said go ahead, you can take it away.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and Sintel had sent this to me earlier and I had the choice of listening to it when he emailed it to me or to wait. And I said I'm going to wait so I can listen to it with everybody else, because then you get the genuine feelings from me while it's playing. All right, excuses, all right. I don't know why.

Speaker 7:

But we all love when things go right, but instead, when things go wrong, we start to complain. You better get it right. You better pray you're right and it won't be long for your breakthrough. Don't give up. Get your breakthrough, it's all up to you.

Speaker 1:

Stop making excuses, excuses. God is waiting on you. Please stop making excuses, excuses, wow, wow, oh, my god, centel, excuses, that is beautiful I so. I mean, I have. I've heard you know the other. I have. I've heard you know the other song I've. Now I've heard the snippet of this, and September 25th is like too far away, ten days away, ten days.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Oh, Centel, congratulations. This is going to be one epic EP.

Speaker 8:

Oh, it's a whole album, it's a full album.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's a full album, Sorry, sorry. Ep album.

Speaker 8:

I lost my head. Oh my goodness, y'all wait till you. Like I said, I worked so hard and you know, and I just wanted to let everyone know that everything is not all perfect. But hey, I did my best and I gave my heart and I hope that everyone will enjoy it and that they would just be like wow and so uplifted and just have it on repeat pretty much.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, absolutely, I mean. There's just no other way to do it except on repeat. Are you kidding?

Speaker 8:

It'll be out next week on Wednesday. Yay.

Speaker 1:

Can't wait. Oh my gosh. A lot, a lot, a lot of. I wish you much, much success with it, as I know that once it hits the streaming platforms, that the streams will go wild.

Speaker 8:

Yes, I hope so. Like, oh my goodness. I mean I want to say so much more, but hey, you'll get to see the track listing tomorrow and then, like I said, that's going to reveal the names of the songs and then how many songs, and then you get to see who I collab with.

Speaker 4:

See y'all tomorrow at 6 o'clock.

Speaker 8:

As you've seen on my scheduler, everything comes out at 6 pm that's it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, cintel, thank you so much for tonight, for the inspirational gospel hour. It has been an uplifting and it's been so much fun. I I enjoy our conversations when we get this, um, when we get to do this, and all the music too. Um, and again, who do we have? We had? Um, truth music, and I am Marshall, second chance rising, hello London. And of course, oh, outlaws, outlaws for the cross and um, sintel along with Noah Harbaugh. So, and Sintel along with Noah Harbaugh. So the music has been. I love the music. So thank you so much for all that. Thank you for joining me tonight, and we'll be looking forward to next month, and we are looking forward to what? September 25th the new album from Sintel. So check Facebook tomorrow around 6 o'clock to see what the next teaser is. Alright, sintel, thank you so much for being here tonight.

Speaker 8:

All right love you all bye all right.

Speaker 9:

Make up your mind, darling. I can tell you're not even trying, and I can tell by your eyes I'm lost inside the silence. I've put it all behind us. Make up your mind, darling. I can tell you're not even trying and I can tell by your eyes I'm lost inside the silence. No-transcript.

Speaker 1:

No hard feelings. Such a beautiful song. They are a duo from Pennsylvania, new Jersey, so go follow them, like them, share them, comment all that good stuff. Well, I hope you enjoyed tonight's show. I certainly did.

Speaker 1:

I always enjoy speaking with Cyntel, online and offline, and we've had some great conversations. And, as I have said, you know God may not be your thing, but you know what. We all need some inspiration. We all need some uplifting. We all have a heavy heart at times and sometimes just having that friend, that person to talk, to talk with, talk through things that might be on your heart, is all that we need. Because lately and I'm just I have just two. I might just have a minute because I want to close out with my last song of the night. Um, just you know what.

Speaker 1:

Take 10 seconds before you post something negative. Take 10 seconds and think about who you're sending these messages to, um, and what are you going to accomplish with it all? Not much, you know. Again, my thing is I'm not your cup of tea. Turn me off. Somebody else is in your cup of tea. Turn them off. Don't like a job that somebody's doing. Walk away. Nobody is telling you to that. You're nobody is like twisting your arm and making you either listen to somebody or watch somebody. There's just so much crap in the world don't let it be among the indie artist or the in the community really people. Just there's enough negative crap going on as it is. So that's my two cents.

Speaker 1:

I have enjoyed tonight, cintel. Thank you a million times. Thank you. I am so excited for you for september 25th, the recent release of your album I can't, and your teasers. I've loved your teasers. We've all talked about it, so you've done a great job. Kudos to you. Um, and all the music that, uh. So sintel puts the show together. He is his own writer and, uh, we do it to. You know, do it together. I picked his music and the subject and the scriptures and then we just bring it to you once a month. I'm hoping thatintel will spin off from this and do his own show, because I think he does an excellent job of spreading the good word. So hopefully you've enjoyed tonight.

Speaker 1:

One way or another, I do feel better. Don't know why I went where I went this afternoon, but hey, it happens. You know Things are heavy, but then you get to talk to somebody like Sintel and my other friends that I have it happens. You know things are heavy, but then you get to talk to somebody like centelle and my other friends that I have. Uh, I'm able to blah, blah, blah too. You feel better, right? So, anyway, have a great week. Uh, stay out of trouble, enjoy what you do.

Speaker 1:

Um, if you can reach out to irina turner arts by angelova on facebook and artsbyangelova at gmailcom, please do so. You can text me 302-272-5389 or info at r2rbcom. I really, really would hate to see or lose, excuse me her gallery that she has dreamt about for so long, and that is her passion. So if you have any ideas, I know that she'll be more than willing to listen to it. All right, folks, I am out of here. Last song oh my gosh, I can't go yet. Thought I was going. Gotcha Asphalt Jungle got a new song coming out, right. Um, god, I can't believe we're. We're at, we're here october. So his show, my show and some one of our shows, stay tuned, because it is a great song. He has done an awesome job. Uh, c stevens of asphalt jungle, wait, yeah. So mark your calendars, people. It's coming. It's coming October 6th. Be there, be square. Thank you guys.

Speaker 4:

I'll be right back. You can climb the highest mountain, but will she crawl back? When, lonely, you can swim across the greatest ocean, but will you find it in your heart to believe? Is there something special? Is there something you can't touch? There's an open window. Is there somewhere I'm above? Another night, throughout the day, and don't you know it's a rush of pain? Another night, throughout the day, and don't you know it's the right you made. You can travel across the greatest distance, but it's the time you've ever reached. I love your reach. It's time to tell the greatest story. I will do anything For my duty. Is there something special? Is there something you can't touch? There's no open window. Is there somewhere out above, another night, throughout the day? Don't you know it's a rush of pain? Another night, around the day, and don't you know it's the Ratchet Bay. We'll be right back, and don't you know it's a rush of pain. Another night, throw out the day. And don't you know it's a rush of pain. Another night, throw out the day.

Speaker 8:

And don't you know it's a rush of pain. Another night throw out the day, and don't you know it's a rush you make. It's a rush you make. It's a rush you make, it's a rush you make. You are listening to Real2Real Broadcasting.

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